How many times have I heard men say its not fair us women can be multi orgasmic. Well guys, guess what? You can too!
There are many ways a man can achieve orgasm, stroking, head stimulation, prostate stimulation, just to name a few. They can orgasm without cumming and cum with out an orgasm.
One of the primary premises of Tantric sexual practices is that men have the ability to be multi-orgasmic and that the ability to harness this orgasmic power can vastly improve their health, their lovemaking, and their ability for intimacy.
Over three thousand years ago, the Chinese recognized that men can achieve multiple orgasms by delaying and even withholding ejaculation. This is possible because orgasm and ejaculation are two distinct physical processes, although they have long been equated in the West. In the 1940s pioneering sex researcher Alfred Kinsey reported similar discoveries. Yet even several decades later, after his claims have been proved repeatedly in the laboratory, most men remain unaware of their multi-orgasmic potential. Without this knowledge and without a clear technique, men are unable to feel the difference between the crescendo of orgasm and the crash of ejaculation.... Male sexuality in the West remains incorrectly focused on the inevitably disappointing goal of ejaculation ("getting off") instead of the orgasmic process of lovemaking.
In Kinseys own words...
"You may already have experienced multiple orgasms. Surprising as this may sound, many men are multi-orgasmic before they enter adolescence and begin to ejaculate. Kinsey's research suggested that more than half of all preadolescent boys were able to reach a second orgasm within a short period of time and nearly a third were able to achieve five or more orgasms one after the other. This led Kinsey to argue that "climax is clearly possible without ejaculation"
But multiple orgasms are not just limited to prepubescent boys. Kinsey continues: "There are older males, even in their thirties and older, who are able to equal this performance." In Fundamentals of Human Sexuality, Dr. Herant Katchadourian adds: "Some men are able to inhibit the emission of semen while they experience the orgasmic contractions: in other words they have nonejaculatory orgasms. Such orgasms do not seem to be followed by a refractory period [loss of erection], thereby allowing these men to have consecutive or multiple orgasms like women."
Why do most men lose their ability to be multi-orgasmic? It is possible that for many men the experience of ejaculating, when it happens, is so overwhelming that it eclipses the experience of orgasm and causes men to lose the ability to distinguish between the two. One multi-orgasmic man described the first time he ejaculated: "I still remember it clearly. There I was orgasming as usual, but this time a white liquid came spurting out. I thought I was dying. I swore to God that I would never masturbate again -- which of course lasted about a day." Since orgasm and ejaculation generally occur within seconds of one another, it is easy to confuse them. To become multi-orgasmic, you must learn (or possibly relearn) the ability to separate the different sensations of arousal and to revel in orgasm without cresting over into ejaculation. Understanding how orgasm and ejaculation are different will help you distinguish the two in your own body."
The idea behind male multi orgasms is the belief that orgasm and ejaculation are two different processes, but have become associated as one thing, so you need to re learn the feelings.
Orgasm is one of the most intense and satisfying human experiences, and if you have ever had an orgasm,and almost all men have, you will not need to have it defined. All orgasms, however, are not created equal. Orgasm is slightly different for each person and even different for the same person at different times. Nonetheless, men's orgasms share certain characteristics, including rhythmic body movements, increased heart rate, muscle tension, and then a sudden release of tension, including pelvic contractions. They feel good, too!
A lot of men are freaked out by the very idea of nonejaculatory orgasm because they've been having ejaculatory sex for such a long time, often decades. So the first thing to do is demystify ejaculation, which is just an involuntary muscle spasm.
With practice, you can learn to experience the peak feeling of orgasm without triggering the reflex of ejaculation.
So, men, you CAN be multi orgasmic ;)
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Male orgasm: Myths and Truths
When most people touch upon orgasm related topics, they rather think of mysterious woman orgasm and the ways to get it, difference between vaginal and clitoral orgasm, women erogenous zones and so on. The question is: what about men? In this regard, many people are more often mistaken, which may lead to common misconceptions.
Ejaculation and orgasm: the same or different?
It’s hard to imagine male orgasm without ejaculation. Nevertheless you can’t say the same for the contrary. A man can feel orgasm during ejaculation, but this may be expressed quite differently. He may be not involved in the process of love making emotionally, that’s why ejaculation will be rather an automatic sperm shot, like during an intercourse with sex toys. But it is difficult to picture a situation when a man comes without ejaculation. This should be a real super-hero, who has already worn out his partner with 7 consequent orgasms and has no more sperm in store...
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